
Monday, October 6, 2008

Long time, no writee.. this will be a long one-I hope!

      -This is during the packing stage-what do I take what do I take?
This is a long one so brace yourself!
 Okay- So a lot has changed since the last time I wrote. Last time I was in the NYC airport heading to San Juan, Puerto Rico(mi islita linda)... and trying to write about my expectations of the journey that was about to begin...
At the end of this summer I went to all my homes-to visit my people-for a few days before I moved to Florence, Italy for a whole year as part of a study abroad program with POLIMODA through The Fashion Institute of Technology. I went home for 7 days, then to Florida for 10 and it was an incredibly emotional experience. I realized that it was time to let go of so many things-in order to se what was ahead of me without holding back-starting from scratch! A new beginning-one more for the collection really!
So... I said goodbye, packed 2 VERY HEAVY suitcases and flew off to Florence for about $300 as a American Airlines Frequent Flyer(thanks mom!)First of all me and my sister(the best packer ever) did not sleep the night before- and THIS was the first time I flew oversees! What an experience!I flew from NYC to Chicago, Chicago to London, London to Brussels and Brussels to Florence. Not to mention that I had an overnighter in London where I met up with my friend Paul(thanks for the delish! food) and the next morning missed my plane to Brussels because they sent me through the wrong gate! Anyhow... I arrived in Florence and my baggage was lost, I stayed with a friend from NY who was already here, then at a hotel with my friend Paul and his family and then crashed at another friend's house while I tried to find an apartment with my not so perfect italian skills!
However- I am now settled, almost two months now... have a beautiful apartment I share with two other students from the program and lots and lots of things to say! 
I get internet signal only sometimes... in a corner in my room(comes from a neighbor)so... i am lucky if i can be online like now! So I will give you a synopsis and expand on later blogs...
School and classes are interesting-It is evermore crazy-trying to figure out why no matter where I am and how many responsibilities I have- I will always feel so busy! We have loads of work-creative freedom,new challenges and I cant believe incredibly fast time passes and we don't realize! I am taking only 5 classes-the least ever!-Illustrator, Fashion Art III, Italian II, Draping:Soft Silhoettes and Fashion Past & Present.Two weeks ago we went to Milano-and when we came back we had a pile of projects to hand in and catch up with...DUE: 
Monday- Fashion Art Couture Jackets collection. Mine was inspired on Rick Owen's funnels for Fall 2008.
Tuesday-Italian Class-I love my teacher, but frankly it is like repeating Italian Conversatio(which I took last semester)
Wednesday: Draping of a cowl is due-I am having a hard time in this class. I draped the cowl(a cute bustier) and made some felted straps) but I just wish I felt as passionate as before about it.That day we started draping the BIAS dress... and  that-requires a blog of its own!
Thursday: Italian HW... FITSA Potluck dinner(I ended up not going because of the project due the next day. I went to sleep at 2:30. First time we didnt do an all-nighter)
Friday: Fashion Past and Present Collection 2...(was nice-not amazing! but got an A- which was a lot easier grading than I expecter) ay ay ay!
Finally the WEEKEND!!! I stayed in Firenze! It was great
Although we have lots of work I know we  are really learning a lot. One of my biggest missions right now is to get a bycicle I am so so anxious to ride a bike in the streets of FIRENZE- perhaps it will give me a
whole new perspective-new experiences-! I went on Friday afternoon and was unable to be treated nice by the "signores" at the MOTOFFICINA-SO NO BICI FOR NOW :(
OKAY.. I really have to get back to my Homework, but I promise I will update soon. Pictures, Projects and all the good stuff!

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