
Sunday, January 30, 2011


starting off with an inspirational quote...
"...holidays come and go, clothes wear out, bank accounts go up and down, but PHILOSOPHY... LASTS A LIFETIME..."

so lets work on that PHILOSOPHY people...

anyhow, back to business:
today I FINALLY recieved my eco-butterfly ORGANICS & PAKUCHO yarn color card- and I have to say- I was very positively suprised. YES, I payed $25.oo for it, but I am satisfied. I think the pacage was beautifully put together and with lots of educational material to back up their prices... I'm in.

ecobutterfly organics is an online source for eco-friendly, mostly vegan, completely fairly traded yarns. they are member of the Organic consumer's association, the organic trade association, carbonfund, and green america. RARE I must say!

I'll post more of the info they provided because knowledge is an amazing tool and I want to share what I learned today...

but for now- let me tell you about bamboo, soy, corn, milk and seaweed:
BAMBOO- although starting from natural/sustainable form- must go through very harsh toxic chemical processes to evolve into simple soft yarns that will then be conventionally dyed.
SOY and CORN go through the same harsh processes BUT what makes them even worse is that the crop remnants used to make the yarn are GMO-which- Due to their proximity and wind (GMO pollen drift) ARE WIPING OUT the few organic crops. Moreover, the toxic interferes with the butterflies and bees' breeding cycle, killing their potential offspring which is essential for pollination.
*taken from the ecobutterfly packaging

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