
Thursday, January 27, 2011

urban foraging?

RESEARCHING for my thesis project continues.. and although I cannot remember how, but I bumped into this article about urban foraging
Now, London is an incredible city, and incredible were the days
I spent there.
BUT- I do not recall ever seeing much that could be picked up and eaten on the spot.
Maybe we just have to know what we are looking for in order to find it... and that is that!

Also... yesterday I went to HABU textiles, on 29th st, to hunt for some yarn. I am looking for sustainable yarns for MACHINE KNITTING, but the resourses are scarse, and my options very few. A friend had told me to go to habu even if I wasn't going to buy anything because their yarns are so beautiful that you get inspired by just looking. AND SHE WAS SOO RIGHT>>> even though expensive, I couldn't leave the shop with my hands empty.
I bought:
1 oz of handspun tassar silk
content: 100% silk
3 yds.x: $12.95.
.5 oz of kibiso silk
100% silk
150yds x $ 6.50
and here they are on my table.. waiting to be taken in consideration.

I figured that they are artisanal yarns, handspun and produced in low quantities- and hopefully under good working condirtions. SO, since they are just going to be an accent in my collection, I can commit this sin- they are just too beautiful.
Can you believe that dread-lock looking yarn is 100% handspun silk? JUST AMAZING!

I am still on the hunt! NEXT: SILK CITY and Lion Brand!
buenas noches!

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