
Friday, January 6, 2012

TGFC updates

 I've been  knitting "hand spun scraps" like a maniac for the past few days.
Mom has been sewing and quilting non stop and the apartment has been turned into a "small" 2-woman factory!
-there is so much to do still, but we're making steady progress-

Mom finished quilting 2 of the pieces--> so ONLY one more piece needs to be quilted now. 
things are looking good!

Yesterday we had two wonderful helpers who worked some of their magic around here:

Rosa Ng from Quality Control 
Long time friend super fast knitter!
Master Artist and long time friend, this one is pretty good at just about everything. He is helping us with a -hands at work- short video which will document the process of creation of the pieces for CALAFURIA (collection) and the techniques behind it.

I am so thankful to spend these super long workdays IN GREAT company, and for the support and help of everyone around me.

now off to knitting
the "studio" is dedicating its day to the knitwear collaboration w Auralis  from Auralistudo

happy knitting to you all!

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